What is IoT?

Internet of Things (IoT) concept or sometime we call “Internet of Everything”  is the concept that the devices are connected to internet cause the human can control or command the devices via the internet such as to on/off device in the house or in the car and even the farming machine starting with the simple application but very useful i.e. turn the bulb on or off or monitoring the device status until industrial usage. Sometime we call IoT “M2M” which stand for Machine to Machine that are connected together in the internet.

IoT had been developed by Kevin Ashton in 1999 starting from the project “Auto-ID Center” at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by adapting RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) , the wireless technology that use radio frequency to communicate between the two devices. After that IoT has been developed increasingly. First time Kevin gave the definition of IoT that “Internet-like”  then was changed to “Things” to represent the electronic devices.

Reference: 1. www.mcuthailand.com